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14 juin 2004

EU Parliament's Elections : scandalous Sabotage provoking 1999-2004 majority Abstention must be reversed !

 Since mid-1999, for the first time in History, a Majority of voters refuses to take part in European Parliament elections, and this was extended in 2004 :

See : .

A strange fact, since EUP's decision-making powers have, on the contrary, considerably augmented, becoming much more important, on many more (often crucial) issues, in 2004, compared to what it was back in 1979...

=> The most probable explanation of this Paradox is that some circles are, slyly, undermining EU's political development by sabotaging European Parliament's contacts with Citizens.

But EU tax-payeurs spend a lot of money on "Press and Communication" services, MEP's salaries/expenses etc., EU Parliament's buildings, "security", "cleaners", etc.

Who stands behind this unatural Scandal ? Whoever it might be, those responsible for such a dangerous, anti-democratic, counter-productive and anti-european blockade of contacts between EU Parliament and European Citizens must be unmasked, exposed and denounced, everybody taking his responsibilities.

The dynamics of European History, People's needs and aspirations come more and more into direct, loud and dangerous Clash against "something rotten in the kingdom of Denmark" (to paraphrase Shakespeare), mainly between 1999-2004, which hinders, obstructs and/or undermines really free and efficient contacts between EU Parliament and Citizens.

L' UE doit renverser la tendance au goufre d Abstention majoritaire en 1999-2004 qui mine le projet politique europeen (Constitution, Charte de libertés, defense, economie/social, etc), malgré le renforcement de son Parlement.<br /> <br /> Impossible d''attendre elections de 2009. Il faut, donc, retrouver les Citoyens autrement. <br /> <br /> La nouvelle ministre française pour l Europe, Claudie Haigneré, a exprimé ce que beaucoup pensent, "decue" de l'abstention 1999-2004, mais optimiste pour l'avenir : Il faut trouver ''les mots" justes, donner aux Citoyens la "vraie image" d'une dynamique europeene ouverte et democratique.<br /> <br /> On peut plus tarder d'utiliser potentialités rares, créées en cette decennie historique 1993-2004, mais pas eternelles. <br /> <br /> Stop a Obstruction par ignorants, manipulés, ou clique antidemocratique, contre-productive/mediocre, contre le developpement autonome de l'Europe, provoquant Abstention dès1999, et bloquages, dit-on, meme aux contacts du Ministre au Parlement de Strasbourg le 13 juin 2004